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Insurance ING Broker - your reliable partner

Poza scriitorului: ING BrokerING Broker

Actualizată în: 13 feb. 2023

We are the only insurance broker in the Republic of Moldova with a European ISO certificate appreciated internationally!

We are part of the group of Renomia European Partners from the Czech Republic!

With over 15 years of experience, we have several partner insurance companies and reinsurance companies with which we have a reliable collaboration, among which are: Donaris VIG SA,

Moldcargo SA,

Grawe Carat SA,

Asterra Grup SA,

Moldasig SA.

Our clients can benefit from any type of insurance like:

- Property

- Motor & Avia

- Health - Agriculture

- Cyber

- Liability Director and officer

Leave your worries in our hands!

0 (69) 52 60 03

9, Pan Halippa street, Chisinau city, Republic of Moldova

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